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Church of the Real Presence - Parish groups (Prayer and Study)

As a consequence of Covid-19 and the current lockdown restrictions, Church group meetings are currently cancelled.

Eucharistic Adoration:
Monday to Friday10:30am to 7:00pm.
Saturday12:00 noon to 6:00pm

Meditation Group:
Wednesday8:00pm in Cuan no Trocaire, 23 Benvoirlich Estate

St. Joseph's Young Priests Society:
Meet the first Monday of the month after the 10.00.a.m. Mass in room opposite sacristy..

Lay Dominicans:
Meet every Tuesday at 8.00pm in Room 10, St. Joseph's Presbytery, Wilton. They come together to support each other in Faith and Friendship and to share this with others. To study the Scriptures and reflect on the problems of today in the light of faith.
Lectio Divina on alternate Tuesdays, at 8.00pm

Legion of Mary Praesidium:
Meet every Wednesday at 7.30pm in Room opposite Sacristy. They carry out visitation of hospitals and homes and the sale of Catholic papers.

Live Stream

Sun 09:30AM Holy Mass

Sun 11:30AM Holy Mass

Mon 09:30AM Rosary & 10:00AM Holy Mass

Tue 09:30AM Rosary & 10:00AM Holy Mass


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Todays Readings

Readings here

Holy Mass Times

Saturday:Vigil Mass
at 6.00pm
to Friday:
Eve of
Vigil Mass
at 6.00pm


Saturday:4.30pm to 5:00pm